We all make fresh resolutions every time we ring in the new year, now that we have welcomed the year 2021, it’s time to focus on our health goals for this year. Although making resolutions is easy but keeping them is difficult, we need to analyze one very important factor that stands in the way of reaching our health goals. Often people around us who eat a lot but are thin as a stick versus those who do not eat much but are still overweight, the reason for this is metabolism which possibly can be one of the reasons for it. Although metabolism influences body’s basic energy needs, how much you eat and drink along with how much physical activity you get are the things that ultimately determine your weight.

Metabolism is the process through which the body converts food and drinks into energy. During this complex process, calories in food and beverages are combined with oxygen to release the energy your body needs to function. Even when you’re at rest, your body needs energy for all its “hidden” functions, such as breathing, circulating blood, adjusting hormone levels, and growing and repairing cells. The number of calories your body uses to carry out these basic functions is known as basal metabolic rate in scientific terms and what we call metabolism.

Numerous factors determine your individual basal metabolism, including:

·         Your body size and composition. People who are larger or have more muscle burn more calories, even at rest.

·         Your sex. Men usually have less body fat and more muscle than do women of the same age and weight, which means men burn more calories.

·         Your age. As you get older, the amount of muscle tends to decrease, and fat accounts for more of your weight, slowing down calorie burning.


Energy needs for your body’s basic functions stay fairly consistent and don’t change that frequently. In addition to your basal metabolic rate, two other factors determine how many calories your body burns each day:

·         Food processing (thermogenesis). Digesting, absorbing, transporting, and storing the food you consume also takes calories. About 10 percent of the calories from the carbohydrates and protein you eat are used during the digestion and absorption of the food and nutrients.

·         Physical activity. Physical activity and exercise — such as playing tennis, walking to the store, chasing after the dog, and any other movement — account for the rest of the calories your body burns up each day. Physical activity is by far the most variable of the factors that determine how many calories you burn each day.


When metabolism doesn’t occur or slows down, many metabolic disorders occur. Metabolic disorders can be a result of any hormone or enzyme deficiency, diseases of liver, pancreas, endocrine system, or other organs responsible for metabolism, deficiency of nutrients needed for metabolism, or hereditary problems.

An example of a metabolic disorder is diabetes mellitus. Symptoms of slow metabolism include fatigue, poor skin and hair, obesity, digestive problems like constipation, bloating, muscle pain, cold temperature, etc. Hence it’s important to have a good metabolism, this can be achieved by boosting metabolic rate through diet changes, people may be able to shed excess weight and reduce their risk of obesity and related health issues.

10 Best Foods that Boost Metabolism

1.      Green Tea

Green tea is one of the healthiest beverages on the planet.  It is loaded with antioxidants and various plant compounds that may benefit your health. Some people even claim that green tea can increase fat burning and help you lose weight. Compounds in green tea increase levels of hormones that tell fat cells to break down fat. This releases fat into the bloodstream and makes it available as energy.

 Egg Whites

Eggs contain all the essential amino acids, and in the right ratios. This means your body can easily use the protein in eggs for maintenance and metabolism. Eating a high-protein diet has been shown to boost metabolism by up to 80–100 calories a day, through a process called the thermic effect of food.

3.      Avocado

The health benefits of avocados include plenty of healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats to help boost your metabolism and keep hunger at bay. Avocado is also a well-known source of carotenoids, minerals, phenolics, vitamins, and fatty acids. The lipid-lowering, antihypertensive, antidiabetic, anti-obesity, antithrombotic, antiatherosclerotic, and cardioprotective effects of avocado have been demonstrated in several studies.

4.     Lemon

Researchers suggest that good hydration enhances the function of mitochondria, a type of organelle found in cells that helps generate energy for the body. This leads to an increase in metabolism, which may lead to subsequent weight loss.


Oatmeal. Metabolism-Boosting Powers: When eating whole grains rich in fiber, such as oatmeal and brown rice, your body burns nearly twice as many calories than when eating processed foods. Tip: Sprinkle flaxseed or chia seeds over oatmeal and top with fresh fruit for a powerful fat-fighting and heart-healthy breakfast.

6.   Ginger/Garlic

Ginger’s medicinal properties are very popular in Ayurveda; it is considered a traditional remedy for indigestion, nausea, and bloating. Garlic, on the other hand, is famous for its anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. They are both very potent herbs in themselves; together they can weave magic, especially when it comes to immunity and weight-management. Ginger garlic tea is a great idea to boost immunity and aid in weight loss by improving metabolism.

7.      Lettuce

Consumption of lettuce has the potential for curbing human metabolic disorders since it improves cholesterol metabolism and antioxidant status. It’s effectively a negative calorie food, which means that the process of digesting lettuce burns more calories than the number of calories present in the vegetable. As is true for most vegetables, lettuce leaves also contain zero cholesterol and saturated and unsaturated fat.


Almonds contain essential fatty acids, which can help speed up your body’s metabolism. They are the perfect thing to snack on throughout the day, as they are high in protein and fiber to give you an energy boost and make you feel fuller for longer.


Rich in vitamin B content, this green leafy vegetable may help boost metabolism naturally, as it comes loaded with iron, which further helps in carrying the oxygen that our muscles need to burn fat.


Apples are high in fiber and contain vitamin C and calcium D-glucarate, the latter of which helps to detoxify the liver. They also contain vitamin B, which helps your body turn protein, fat, and carbs into energy, and vitamin K, which metabolizes protein and keeps your blood flowing.


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The Arogyada