Cardiac arrest can strike despite low cholesterol – Know your risks before it’s too late

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Recently, we have been hearing a lot of news in India about young people facing cardiac issues, Cardiac Arrest is basically a condition in which heart suddenly stops, and the person collapses and dies in few minutes. About 10% of the deaths in India are due to sudden cardiacarrest which is also the most common factor of death in the world.

Our country has an alarmingly high prevalence of Cardiac diseases; among them, the incidence of cardiac arrest is on the rise due to a variety of factors, the most important reason although is our erratic lifestyle. Considering heart diseases are common and are often suddenly strikes, it is important to identify all the factors that put you at risk. Eating high amounts of fats or sugar, lack of exercise, stress, high BP and high blood sugar are main reasons for heart issues.

Low cholesterol levels may not mean a low cardiac arrest risk.

According to latest studies about half of all heart attacks occur in people with “normal” cholesterol levels. An individual may have a whole range of other conditions that could also raise the risk. Some of the best-known ones are smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and a lack of physical activity. 

Get to know about your heart risk:

·         Being overweight increases cardiovascular disease risk.

Visit your provider to get check your body mass index (BMI) today and you can also check your BMI on different online platforms:

·         Sedentary lifestyle contributes to CV risk

Since the advent of the digital age, young people work and socialize online all the time having no physical activity. And older teens and children are busy watching TV and using smart gadgets like iPhones and iPads. The time is crucial now, get rid of a sedentary lifestyle.  Prioritize on taking up a physical activity of your choice seriously, no matter how busy you are. Exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity most if not all days of the week. 

·         Having a family history of CV diseases 

Heart diseases can run in families and it’s a big risk of serious heart conditions in today’s generations. If you have a family history of heart conditions then you carry a higher risk of CV disease in future. You cannot control this factor since you inherit it however you can take steps to make healthy lifestyle choices to keep your heart healthy. First of all visit a doctor today to discuss your heart health and follow your doctor advice regarding diet and exercise. 

·         Hypertension predisposes you to cardiac issues

 High blood pressure is an important factor in increasing risk of heart attack and stroke, hence should be tracked at regular intervals.  Due to high BP, thickening of arteries may occur. This causes blockage in arteries which may cause a heart attack

·         Keep your blood sugar in check

People with diabetes have a higher risk of picking up heart disease at a younger age than people without diabetes. Keep a close eye on your blood sugar levels if you are a diabetic person. If you have not got your blood sugar levels checked kindly do it today.

Be heart healthy with the help of the following:


    Maintain healthy body weight – Ask your doctor to select and provide you an eating plan that will cut calories and perhaps restrict certain food types (such as fats or carbohydrates). A low-calorie, low-fat diet can be very effective for reducing excess body weight.

Getting active makes your heart-healthyRegular exercise makes your heart muscles stronger and hearts efficiency increases. Exercising for 30minutes in a day five days a week will improve your heart health and help reduce your risk of heart disease, according to American Heart Association. They define “physical activity” as anything that makes you move your body and burns calories, it can be climbing stairs, playing sports, walking, jogging, swimming, biking, and more.

Eat right to keep high blood sugar in control and test your blood sugar regularly. Consult your healthcare provider for A1C test and keeping blood sugar levels under control. Pay attention to what you eat, prefer home-cooked meals that are rich in nutrition. A diet low in saturated fats and sugars will help to lower cholesterol levels and reduce your chance of having heart disease. Also, ensure that you eat low-fat dairy products and poultry.

Set BP goals – Check your BP on regular intervals and one should try to maintain the BP below 140/90 mm Hg. If your blood pressure levels are above the normal range then you need to contact your doctor.

Take your medicines to protect your heart- Take your medicines as recommended by your doctor. Don’t stop taking medicines without checking with your doctor. 

Timely Screening is extremely importantGet regular full body check up’s done from the age of 30 for early detection of diseases that may be fatal. It’s time that we focus on preventive care in India as well.

The Arogyada

Keep your diabetes in check to have a healthy heart

The prevalence of diabetes continues to grow throughout the world. Worryingly, India is now witnessing an alarming rise in the number of diabetes cases, bringing along a spectrum of other serious health implications. The most prevalent ones are heart problems, occurring at a relatively younger age within the country. India reports over 72 million cases of diabetes, according to International Diabetes Foundation1. And the youth-onset to type 2 diabetes is impacting their future health , putting them at an increased risk of heart failure.  This indicates the need for raising awareness to reduce the heart health risk, especially among Indian youths. To prevent Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), knowing your heart health risk and taking good care of diabetes is extremely important.

Indians are much more conscious about their health than before. Still, heart failure is striking people at a young age, making youth in their 30s and 40s the new heart health risk category. Despite the obsession to achieve fitness goals, attending classes regularly in some of the country’s finest gyms and staying current with the latest health and fitness information, youths are encountering heart health issues. Even those who appear healthy, exercise regularly and are particular about their diet still develop heart problems. The biggest reason is that very few are aware about the alarming statistics of diabetes, heart health risks associated with it and how their diet and lifestyle, play a crucial role in the same. Youths, for instance, have misconception that diet and physical activity dictate their cholesterol levels and they don’t need cholesterol check until middle age. If Indian youths are unaware about the heart health risk factors, then it’s very unlikely they will take steps to address them. This shows that there’s a need to raise awareness for cardiovascular risk factors in Indian people.

References :

The Arogyada