5 exercises to strengthen lower back & release stress

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Due to the increasing corporate culture of working for long hours, back pain has become the most common problem owing to long hours of sitting in front of a laptop or moving around way too much to juggle through routine chores. The lower back has become the most used and sensitive part of the body. There are days when one doesn’t feel fresh even after sleeping for adequate hours, the main reason for it can be back and body pain. One needs some sort of an active routine with exercises to strengthen lower back to keep these prolonged pains at bay, one of the therapies that work is Yoga as it provides relief and also to prevent further damage. 

The ever-evolving human lifestyle has given rise to significant issues in our lives from time to time and one of the most common health complaints is back pain. These days back pain has started affecting all age groups. The severity of back pain can depend upon difficulty in performing basic physical movements to hampering daily activities. Some of the reasons of back pain are:

  • Sitting in a wrong posture for long hours
  • Not taking precautions while lifting heavy weights
  • Ruptured disc in the spinal cord compressing the surrounding nerves
  • Poor posture or hasty movements while sleeping
  • Osteoporosis also affects spine with time
  • Kidney stones or any related problems

Check out the best sleeping positions to avoid lower back pain

If the issue remains unattended over time, it can worsen it further and a person may require extensive treatment and possibly surgery as well.


Based on the intensity of pain, there are different kinds of treatment available. Routine exercises can give you relief from back pain and improve the body’s overall endurance. Listed below are a few exercises for back pain relief:

A. Glute Bridge

exercises to strengthen lower back

Lower back pain relief also helps in strengthening your hamstrings, glutes, hips, transverse and abdomen. Listing the process to perform these exercises below :

  • Lie down on your back on the floor, with your knees bent and only the heels touching the floor.
  • While keeping the heels on the floor, raise the hips until your shoulders, hips and knees form a single and straight line. Tighten your glutes for better grip.
  • This position should be held for 8 to 10 seconds, after which the hips are slowly brought back to the floor with a rest period of 5 seconds.
  • The cycle should be repeated around ten times in 3 sets.
  • Avoid overarching and do not arch the lower back while hips are off the ground.

B. Hamstring Stretches

exercises to strengthen lower back

Hamstring stretches relieve tension at the back of the leg which is connected to the lower spine. It should be followed with the instructions listed below:

  • Lie down on your back with one knee bent.
  • Use a towel for locking it around the toes of the straightened leg.
  • Extend back slowly on the towel while straightening the knee. The right form will be assured once you feel a mild stretch on the back of the leg. Be cautious and don’t overstretch.
  • The position should be held for about 30 seconds and should be repeated five times for each leg. Perform three sets to improve endurance.

C. Knee to Chest Exercises

exercises to strengthen lower back

This is one of the best exercises to strengthen lower back, as it helps to improves posture and is one of the easiest to perform and is good for lower back pain:

  • Lie down on your back with feet on the floor and knees bent.
  • Bring your right knee to your chest while maintaining the keeping the other leg flat against the floor.
  • Hold the position for 20 to 30 seconds, ensuring that the lower back is on the floor.
  • Lower the right knee and simultaneously repeat the routine with the left leg.
  • For every leg, perform the exercise 5 times in 3 sets.

D. Light Aerobic Exercise

Light Aerobic Exercise for lower back pain relief

Some short sessions of cardio-vascular exercises improve the blood circulation in the body. Some examples of aerobic exercises are Swimming, Walking, Running and other functional exercises that increase heart rate and heat in the body. Ideally, such exercises should be performed for shorter durations in the presence of a professional trainer. Over time, the sessions can be extended as stamina gets better.

Take precautions to avoid any overexertion or twisting postures while swimming

E. Wall Sits

Wall Sits exercise for lower back pain

This uncomplicated back pain exercise will improve your seating posture which is one of the main reasons for back-related ailments. This exercise involves simple steps:

  • Stand straight with your back against the wall at a distance of 6-8 inches.
  • With great care, lean against the wall until the spine is flat against it.
  • Slowly, slide against the wall until knees are bent a little. Try to get into a pose where the hips and knees are in a straight line.
  • Hold this position initially for 30 seconds, and then carefully slide back up against the wall. This can be done in 5-6 sets. Once you are well versed with the form, one can start using some weights as well on their thighs while performing the exercise.

These are some of the exercises to strengthen lower back which can help in relieving pain and also improve your posture.

You can also watch these videos for exercises to strengthen lower back:

One more important aspect to note is the exercises to avoid while you have back pain, listed below are the exercises you should avoid:

  • Toe-touching exercises, as they can aggravate Sciatica by overstressing ligaments and spinal discs.
  • Sit-ups as they can damage the discs in the long-run. They are only good for strengthening the core muscles.
  • Leg raises apply pressure on the lower back muscles.
  • Avoid lifting weights in the gym or even in regular activities as it can hurt the spinal cord.


These exercises to strengthen lower back are good for getting relief from your back pain and also help in increasing stamina and back strengthening. They can do wonders for your stamina and overall health in general. Some additional things that can aid back-pain relief are pain reliever gels, creams and sprays. These products help in giving immediate relief from back pain.

What is the recovery period after slip disc or herniated disc surgery?

Recovery time for herniated disc surgery

If you’ve got back pain or sciatica due to a prolapsed intervertebral disc , there are different treatments to undertake in order to get relief. 

Initially your doctor may recommend physiotherapy (deep tissue massage, hot/cold therapies, hydrotherapy, and exercise). To know more about Physiotherapy and its importance for back pain, you can go through a few self help books on back pain physiotherapy and do exercises under the guidance of a physiotherapist. Chiropractic care could also be initiated, or steroid injections could also be used to reduce the inflammation that happens with a prolapsed intervertebral disc. For this you would need a consultation from a Neurosurgeon or a Neurologist who would advice you for a conservative management initially if there are no significant signs of neurological deficits like muscle weakness or urinary problems due to compression of spinal cord and nerves.


Also Read: 

If your pain is persistent and unremitting after conservative treatment, you’ll have to consult a neurosurgeon to plan about surgery for your ruptured/ prolapsed intervertebral disc . The goal of surgery is to get rid of disc material which will be pinching on your spinal nerves. This helps to alleviate your pain and improve your mobility.

When considering surgery, you ought to know that there are different surgical approaches. Some doctors use a standard approach that involves an outsized incision and an open surgical field. This means that your surgeon simply dissects your lumbar muscles further from the spine and remove the bony covering of the spinal cord (Lamina)  to see your disc and to get rid of the herniation that’s pinching on your nerves.

Minimally Invasive Surgery for ruptured intervertebral disc

Some neurosurgeons utilize a specialized approach to surgery for a ruptured intervertebral disc called minimally invasive spine surgery. During this procedure, a little incision is made and specialized instruments are used to visualize and remove away your ruptured intervertebral disc to remove compression from the spinal cord and nerve roots.

Your lumbar muscles remain intact during minimally invasive spine surgery, and only small portals are made within the tissue to introduce the surgical instruments. The advantage of minimally invasive spine surgery is that it’s going to lessen your ruptured intervertebral disc surgery recovery time.

Since a little incision is made , many patients report less pain and greater mobility after the surgery. Your back muscles remain largely intact during the procedure, meaning that you simply can quickly return to your previous activity without the necessity for extensive rehabilitation.

Since minimally invasive spine surgery for ruptured intervertebral disc requires alittle incision, there’s also less blood loss and fewer risk of infection during the procedure. These expected benefits mean that you simply can quickly revisit to your lifestyle after surgery.

So what’s the ruptured intervertebral disc surgery recovery time? What are you able to expect from surgery and from the recovery period? Learning all you’ll about your surgery and therefore the expected ruptured intervertebral disc recovery time can assist you be prepared for your procedure and for your to return to your active lifestyle.

Herniated Disc Surgery Recovery Time

When considering surgery for your ruptured intervertebral disc , make certain to figure closely together with your neurosurgeon so you understand the procedure and approach used and know what’s expected of you. Your doctor should be ready to explain the small print of your surgery and answer your questions on the procedure.

Most people are discharged from hospital within 4-8 days and can return to their usual activities around 4 weeks after ruptured intervertebral disc surgery. people that follow a program after surgery may experience a shorter recovery time and better mobility.

Is there a management of back pain without surgery?

In fact, lifestyle has a big impact on back pain and if you have back pain, paying attention to the lifestyle factors can be rewarding. Movement for back pain is a great way to reduce the high pressure and strain on the spine and discs, and can provide you with pain relief and help prevent future problems and the need for surgery. I advise on gentle stretching, swimming, yoga and Pilates exercises to relieve back pain.

If you suffer from general back pain or sciatica, working with a qualified physiotherapist can help to alleviate back pain and restore your health. If you have any of these symptoms, this back pain recovery blog will help you to alleviate the symptoms so that you can return to an optimal level of physical function. For people with general back pain and / or sciatica: Working with physiotherapists can help to relieve some of the discomfort on your back and restore your health. Whether you want back pain, sciatica or pain relief, you need to find a safe and effective treatment. 

Your physiotherapist will teach you how to manage your back pain and how to correct any imbalances that caused the pain in the first place by moving. If you have unrelenting back pain, seek professional pain treatment from your doctor. Even if you have improved your lower back pain through these suggestions, you should still go to your doctor to find a long-term solution to your pain. Whether you suffer from back pain or sciatica, get relief, request an appointment with a back specialist and don’t rely on medication to help you hide your pain

The Arogyada

When to avoid exercises in back pain and consult a doctor?

Exercise, yoga, physiotherapy and manual manipulation are not beneficial in all kinds of back pain. There are certain red flag signs that can indicate you to go for an expert consultation to your doctor instead of taking things in your own hands.
If you have any of the below signs or symptoms, please avoid exercise and seek expert help.

1. Back pain after substantial injury

Back pain after substantial injury
Back pain after substantial injury

Back pain after substantial injury like after a road traffic accident may be a sign of fracture, ligamentous injury, nerve compression, spinal cord compression or disc prolapse. Doing any kind of exercise or self manipulation can by very harmful and can lead to weakness in legs, loss of sensation and problems with controlling urine/ stools. Call for an ambulance and get the person transferred on a stretcher to hospital for further evaluation.

2. Back pain even after mild injury to back in those over 50 years old

Back pain even after mild injury to back in those over 50 years old
Back pain after mild injury in old

Even a mild injury after 50 years age can lead to a fracture or ligament injury. As osteoporosis and degenerative changes in spine are common at this age. So medical consultation should be taken even after a mild injury in individuals over 50 years of age. Self manipulation or any sort of exercise should not be tried by self.

3. Back pain along with neurological problem (Focal neurologic deficit) 

Back pain along with neurological problem
Back pain with Ankle Weakness

If along with back pain there is any of the symptoms below, do not do any exercise yourself and take an expert consultation:

  • Weakness of ankles, knees or hip (not able to wear slipper, difficulty in getting up from sitting posture)
  • Numbness (Not able to feel the touch)
  • Paraesthesia (pin prick or current like sensations)
  • Difficulty is passing urine and constipation

4. Back Pain with Leg Pain that increases on walking a small distance (Neural Claudication)

Back Pain with Leg Pain that increases on walking a small distance (Neural Claudication)
Back Pain with Leg Pain that increases on walking 

Back pain along with leg pain which increases on walking small distances is called neural claudication. This may be indicative of narrowing of the spinal canal leading to decreasing blood supply to the nerves which is called as Lumbar canal stenosis and doing indiscriminate exercise can do more harm than any good.

5. Back pain which is increasing and disabling

Back pain which is increasing and disabling
Back pain which is increasing and disabling

Back pain which is increasing day by day and is not letting you do most daily routine activities may be an ominous sign and requires medical attention. You should not continue self exercise or yoga and take expert help.

6. People having back pain with increasing weight loss and  evening rise of body temperature

back pain with increasing weight loss and  evening rise of body temperature
Back pain with weight loss and fever
Long standing back pain with weight loss and evening fever can be a sign of tuberculosis of the spine. Tuberculosis of the spine tends to weaken the bone, cause fractures and compress the spine and nerves. Thus starting exercise or yoga without proper evaluation can be very harmful.

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The Arogyada