Experience with Lumbar Disc Surgery (L4-5 microdiscectomy) : Stacy McKinnes

Experience with Lumbar Disc Surgery (L4-5 microdiscectomy)

Sharing this Experience with Lumbar Disc Surgery by Stacy McKinnes which was posted on our Back pain help group “Back Pain Relief & Spine Health”  on Facebook. Hope it drives your fear of surgery away and helps you to take the next step to end the tormenting neuropathic back and leg pain. Join this group for sharing your back pain problem with a caring community for discussions on relieving your back pain. Share your experience in the comment section or any queries regarding Lumbar disc Surgery.

Post 1: Excruciating pain due to Herniated Lumbar Disc

Thank you for the add. Not sure what I’m really looking for… perhaps just to vent to people that might understand my pain, as (luckily for him) my husband just doesn’t get it… and maybe to get suggestions in case there is something else I can do to relieve this pain.
I first found out L4-5 was herniated when I was around 13, but it didn’t bother me at the time. My back pain started when I was 21 and when I was around 23 I discovered L5-S1 was also herniated. I am a nurse, but 2 years into my career as a bedside nurse I hurt my back so bad, I was out of work for 6 weeks. The doctor that did my epidural told me I needed a new job. I was devastated, but found something new. I got over that flare-up. My next one was my first pregnancy, gave me awful sciatic pain for the first time. The chiropractor got me through my pregnancy. The pain subsided back to my normal every day pain after he was born. I got through my 2nd pregnancy with no back pain. I just had my 3rd and although not anywhere as bad as my 1st, the chiropractor got me through again. He is 2 months old now.
That brings me to now. About a month ago, my back started up again, including sciatic pain into my right buttock. I had an epidural, and likely from the numbing agent, was a new person the next day. The 2nd day though, my back pain got progressively worse. Started pain medications, which I haven’t needed in years. Went to the chiropractor every day the following week. Have been taking ibuprofen and acetaminophen on top of the pain medication. I have been trying epsom salt baths, ice, heat… have had the worst sciatic pain I’ve ever had the past 2 days. It’s been a constant pain in my entire right leg, down to my toes. Most of the time it feels like my whole leg has a Charlie horse. I have had moments of numbness in my toes. I had a repeat MRI last week, which is 1 year from the one before. It shows the herniations at L4-5 is worse. I have another epidural tomorrow, hoping that helps… but worried it won’t.
For the first time ever, the doctor that does my epidurals is saying it’s time for surgery. I can’t live like this, so maybe I need to… but I have a 2 month old, 2 year old, and 4.5 year old… I’m on maternity leave for another month, and will come back to like 20 hours PTO, but will be working from home because of covid. My husband is laid off because of covid, but we were hoping he’d be back to work in January. Just a lot going on and I don’t know how I’d be able to have surgery.
If you’ve read all of this, thank you. Again, not really sure what I’m looking for. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy… but I do wish someone close to me understood my pain. My husband is already taking the kids on, and I feel awful for being another one that is relying on him so much. 😭 so many tears.

Post 2: Preparing for Lumbar Disc Surgery

Y’all might remember my long welcome post… I went to the surgeon today and he got me in for surgery tomorrow at 7. Have to be there at 5. It’s a L4-5 microdiscectomy. My mom will be taking me. I’ll stay overnight and go home Thursday and she’ll pick me up. All so my husband can stay home with our 3 kids (4.5 years old, 2.5 years old, and 2 months old). So many emotions. Everything is happening so fast. Still crying/screaming over this awful sciatic pain… just can’t handle it anymore. Hopefully I’ll have some relief tomorrow, although the surgeon said the nerve pain might stick around a little, since it’s so irritated. 😞

Post 3: The Experience after Lumbar Disc Surgery

So glad I joined this group (I was so desperate to find support I joined a couple of groups, so you might see this elsewhere if you’re like me)… I am so, so sorry we are all experiencing awful pain. It has been nice to have support from people who understand the pain.
Wanted to keep y’all updated from my other two posts this week. I want to thank everyone for all of the support… I got back on my phone after things settled down today and had a ton of notifications. I’ve been so drugged and tired that I may have not responded to everyone. I truly apologize. I figure it would be easier to give one big update… so here goes!
The sciatic pain in my leg got even worse last night, just when I thought it couldn’t. I was crying/screaming so bad. My husband said he hadn’t seen me in such pain since childbirth and called the surgeon and my mom and I ended up going to the ER because I just couldn’t handle it anymore. It took 1 dose of IV morphine, 2 doses of IV dilaudid, and 15mg of oxycodone to get the pain under control. Luckily, they admitted me, as the pain increased again just from walking from the hallway to my bed. I needed another dose of IV dilaudid and 10mg of oxycodone to get it back under control. In the morning, it started back up again… I had another 10mg oxycodone and when I got to pre-op, they have me more IV dilaudid and versed. I tell you all of this to paint the picture as to how bad I was. So glad I came to the ER.
Had surgery (L4-5 microdiscectomy) this morning, first case. OMG! Y’all. The leg pain is gone!! It’s amazing. I still have the numbness in my right foot, but he said the nerve was so irritated that that is expected and he believes it will go away. He actually just came to talk to me at 10pm (he talked to me twice in recovery, but man I was drugged… and called my husband as well). It wasn’t too pretty, but he got the part that wanted out and said there are some degenerative changes, but not to worry because we’ll work on that/core strength.
So how has my day been… Got to the floor around 12pm. Got up around 2:30pm, got dressed, went potty, walked around the room, sat in the recliner (didn’t like it because my feet didn’t touch the ground), and sat at the side of the bed. OT helped me learn to get dressed with the grabber… PT talked to me about our home setup. They were impressed with how well I did. It’s 10:45pm and I’ve been up twice so far. I’ve been taking oxycodone… I did just fall asleep, a little bit ago and I think I jumped in my sleep, which made my back sore, so my nurse just gave me Tylenol and Valium since I’m not due for oxycodone yet. Letting the antibiotic run and then I’m going to get up to use the potty again.
Definitely traded pains, but this pain is nothing compared to the leg pain. My back just feels sore, more surgical pain than my typical back pain. I have been standing straight, which is amazing! And like I said before, my leg pain is gone, foot is numb… my leg does feel just tired.
I am super nervous about the twisting… I feel myself tense up when I’m going to move. I know I’m doing it and trying to stop, but I think I’m still super guarded from being in such pain, which the surgeon said is understandable. The nurse wanted me to turn on my side before to see my dressing and I panicked that I twisted… not sure if I even did… I’m just so nervous. So this part is a work in progress.
I miss my boys, but I have FaceTimed them multiple times. My 4.5 year old wanted to see my room, asked why I had so many drinks, and asked what I was going to eat. He asked if I could jump… my husband later filled me in that he’s been asking when mommy can jump on the trampoline 💙 my 2.5 year old said, “I kissed you, mom!” as he kissed the iPad. 💙 my 2 month old is adjusting to a bottle 💙 daddy is over there rocking it for sure.
And for the nursing mamas, anesthesia said I didn’t need to worry about the meds they were giving me with breastfeeding. I have my pump and have just been pumping/dumping because of all of the other meds I have been taking and because I don’t care to ask the nurses to store anything for me. Sad to see the oz go down the drain, but it’s only other day!
So far, this was totally worth it. I couldn’t have gone another second with that pain. I thanked the surgeon over and over again. I will keep you all posted! Thank you again for all of the support! ❤️
Arogyada.in: Hope u feel much better soon. And thanks for sharing the experience of your surgery with those who are in desperate need of hope and thanks for putting up a positive picture related to surgery so that people can utilize it without fear.
The Arogyada

Discussion on Diffuse Back Pain Due to suspected Inflammatory Arthritis : Back Pain Relief

 Sharing a discussion on Diffuse Back Pain Due to suspected Inflammatory Arthritis posted on our Back pain help group “Back Pain Relief & Spine Health”  on Facebook. Join this group for sharing your back pain problem and discussion on relieving your back pain.

“Hi thank you for the add!😊 I’ve experienced back pain since my teens. I vaguely remember at 12 or 14 a dr say i had juvenile arthritis.  I never got treatment for it. I’ve also been in a few accidents so have some buldging and herniations. But i feel the pain from those the last few years has been tolarable. Now, at 29 and after having my daughter 9 months ago I’m in the most pain I’ve been in before. I have a couple xrays my chiropractor took (not the best quality) he didn’t seem too concerned about them, even though I’m having so much pain still? Just seeing what yall might suggest be my next step and if anythings seen on my xrays. “

Discussion on Diffuse Back Pain Due to suspected Inflammatory Arthritis

Discussion on Diffuse Back Pain Due to suspected Inflammatory Arthritis

Discussion on Diffuse Back Pain Due to suspected Inflammatory Arthritis

Arogyada.in: Where exactly do you have pain – in midline or away from the midline ; lower back or upper back?… Does the pain also come to the legs? When does your pain increase- walking, sitting or with prolonged bed rest?

“honestly its almost everywhere. Alot through the neck and shoulders/shoulder blades. I have huge knots at the top of my shoulders along with muscle spasms. And in my lower back. The pain is worse when I try to bend over, feels almost like somethings pinching? And its currently going down both sides of my buttock. Feels kind of like its my muscles in my buttock but its deep. Also have pain in my hips.Standing. Sitting. Or laying in one position for almost any period of time makes it worse.”

Arogyada.in: Do you exercise regularly or most of your days are sedentary?

“mostly sedentary, I’m a stay at home mom with a 9 month old. I’ve tried multiple times to start exercising but am in so much pain the next few days it discourages me from continuing”

Arogyada.in: By the description , your pain seems to be due to inflammatory arthritis. And does not seem to be due to disc prolapse or compression of nerves. Please get these tests done after consulting a Rheumatologist – C-reactive protein (CRP), Antinuclear antibody (ANA), Rheumatoid factor (RF).

Post your queries in the comments if you have similar type of pain and want to know how to relieve your back pain.

The Arogyada

Kama Ayurveda: Buy from a range of Luxury Ayurveda Products for a Lifestyle filled with Purity

Kama Ayurveda is a brand that offers a range of Luxury Ayurveda Products for a lifestyle filled with Purity. It uses natural Ayurvedic formulations and does not use any harmful ingredients like Sulphates, Benzalkonium chloride, Benzophenone, Bisphenol A (BPA) etc. 

Click below for Latest Deals and Best Selling Products From Kama Ayurveda


An Ayurvedic night serum made with the legendary Kumkumadi oil prescribed for dull, pigmented, damaged and aging skin. Prescribed in Ayurveda for glowing complexion and even skin tone. This unique blend of oils and herbs is formulated to help skin look young and healthy. 
In Ayurveda, rare pure Saffron helps illuminate the complexion. Extracts of Indian Madder and Banyan tree help smooth fine lines and repair early signs of ageing. Sandalwood, Vetiver and Lotus have a cooling and cleansing effect while clearing blemishes. Liquorice, an antiseptic, protects against bacterial and fungal infections and also helps improve skin texture. An essential night beauty treatment.
Ingredients: SANDALWOOD, MULAITHI, SAFFRON, MANJHISTHA (Check for Details Here)

ORGANIC HAIR COLOR KIT – Click Here to Buy Now

An excellent, all-natural hair conditioning and coloring kit that adds body, richness and shine.
Kama Ayurveda’s Powders are 100 % Natural, certified by Lacon India Pvt. Ltd. Since different skin and hair types react differently with a natural product thus a skin patch or hair strand safety test is recommended before all-over application.

Kama Ayurveda Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil – Click Here to Buy Now

A highly versatile oil that can be used to condition the skin and hair. An ideal moisturizer for the body, it makes the skin smooth and even textured. Highly recommended for baby massages.
A light, non-sticky, and easily absorbed oil with a pure, tropical Coconut scent. Conditions damaged hair.
The secret to Indians’ lush, glossy hair – this traditional Ayurvedic Hair treatment oil recipe consists of potent herbs extracted into pure Sesame oil and Milk.
The earthy scent of the oil has a calming, meditative effect that soothes frayed nerves, uplifts mood. Gently massage into hair ensuring that entire scalp is covered. Leave on for at least 20 minutes.

About Kama Ayurveda Brand

Established In Delhi, India In 2002, Kama Ayurveda has tried to carry credible magnificence and wellbeing to the world, universally advancing the message of Ayurveda.

Working with Ayurvedic foundations, the four prime supporters of Kama Ayurveda were motivated by this antiquated study of recuperating. 

Kama Ayurveda launched with a range of nine ayurvedic products, created in an organization with the 100-year-old Arya Vaidya Drug store in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. These intense cures were created to help treat existing skin and hair problems. 

To supplement these medicines, Kama Ayurveda created ‘Les Jardins D’Inde’, a profoundly powerful Ayurveda-roused scope of items, appropriate for various hair and skin types. 

Enthusiastically centered around the immaculateness of fixings and viability of plans, all of Kama Ayurveda’s high caliber, delightfully bundled items are EU confirmed, and accessible globally. This arrangement of common items is liberated from counterfeit tones, aromas, parabens, or petrochemicals. Kama Ayurveda is against creature testing. 

At the core of these items are the best customary elements of India’s rich nurseries. The Arya Vaidya Drug store and Kama Ayurveda work with nearby woods networks and little scope ranchers and craftsmen to source the regular fixings that loan their virtue to Kama Ayurveda items.

About Kama Ayurveda Product Safety

Kama Ayurveda uses natural Ayurvedic formulations and does not use the following harmful ingredients:

  • Sulphates
  • Benzalkonium chloride
  • Benzophenone
  • Bisphenol A (BPA)
  • Butoxyethanol
  • BHA
  • Diaminobenzene, Phenylenediamine)
  • Formaldehyde
  • Hydroquinone
  • Methyl cellosolve
  • Methylisothiazolinone
  • Mercury and Mercury Compounds
The Arogyada

5 Best Organic Hair Color Brands in India

There are different options available in the market for coloring your hair for fashion or to hide grey hair. These hair color products come in different variants like hair color with brush, shampoo-based hair colors, cream-based hair colors, etc. but these hair colors eventually damage your hair as most of them have harmful chemicals in them. Natural hair color practices have been used in our country for ages and considering these days we all are looking for organic products for everything, opting for natural hair color options seems like a good idea. These products don’t damage the hair and infact improve the quality of your hair. Listing 5 best products to be used to hide grey hair :

Benefits Of Organic Hair Color

  •             They are free of harmful chemicals that may damage your hair and scalp.
  •        They absorb the color effectively and produce long-lasting results.
  •        The natural and naturally derived ingredients present in the organic hair colors make your hair healthy and glossy.

My personal favorite, as it is made from Organic Henna and Indigo plants, this coloring kit is a perfectly natural and chemical-free way to color hair a deep, rich, black color at home. Henna nourishes the hair leaving shiny, soft, and silky. Henna also balances scalp pH, corrects environmental and pollution damage thereby preventing premature hair fall, graying, and dandruff. It’s anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties keep the scalp healthy and protected. Indigo powder is a highly pigmented powder that helps in covering greys, volumizes hair strands, and helps rebuild hair health and strength. 

Price Rs 1175/-

Specially formulated from herb extracts, herbatint uses rosemary, cinchona, and walnut husk to gently deposit color. It helps to achieve a natural, vibrant result for the hair as it permanently colors hair without damage which results in a natural, subtle color that not only looks great but feels soft too. 

Price Rs 2899/-

VLCC Heena Offer

This natural hair color is based on a traditional ayurvedic recipe and enhanced with the knowledge of modern science. It is enhanced with musk rooth, rich with natural proteins and vitamins C and E, which nourish the roots. Further boosted with margosa, which fights all scalp infections and Indian gooseberry which adds shine and luster.

Price Rs 99/-

Iba Halal Care Hair Color, Dark Brown

Natural benefits of pure henna in a range of colors with its new hair color range. Unlike chemical hair dyes, this product is ammonia-free, henna based formula will color hair without damaging hair structure to give you naturally colored, beautiful hair.

Price Rs 120/-

Go Natural GN Ancient Ayurvedic Herbal Mix for Grey Hair

This herbal hair mix is ayurvedic with 100% natural handmade and organic ingredients. It has cooling properties and it is an anti-inflammatory. This product has the properties of 12 highly pure organic herbal extracts which are Bhringraj, Indigo, Hibiscus powder, Brahmi, Henna, Harad, Baheda, Amla, Ratanjot, etc. It protects and enhance colors, nourish, and protect hair and scalp, preserve color intensity, and provide a natural and long-lasting result. This product helps to avoid hair damage, skin irritation & fumes, and giving a natural shiny grey hair.

Price Rs 590/-

The Arogyada

Guidelines to prepare for the new normal at your workplace after COVID 19

Working from Home
Work from home 

Work from home or WFH is the new normal these days and while we all are happily
working in the privacy of our homes in our pajamas, we would eventually have to get
back to our workplaces. Since there is so much uncertainty and anxiousness regarding
stepping out during this Covid 19 pandemic here are a few FAQ’s on how to stay safe at
your workplace.

Q: How do we need to prepare ourselves while returning to work?

How do we need to prepare ourselves while returning to work
How do we need to prepare ourselves while returning to work?

The entire premise both internal and external would have to be sanitized before the
office reopens. Certain checks should be installed at the entrances which is as follows
  1. Check body temperature of everyone who enters.
  2. Checking travel history, history of contact with any Covid 19 positive cases etc .
  3. Checking the Arogya Setu App status to know if the person has travelled or come in contact with any Covid 19 cases.
  4. Everyone should sanitize their hands thoroughly with the sanitizers placed at the entrance which should be the foot pedal types to avoid contamination before entering the office premises. 
  5. While issuing ID cards to non-employees, the security should give them a paper, one time use cards which can be discarded later on.
  6. Outside gloves and masks should be removed and placed in a plastic bag to be worn while stepping out again . A different set should be used in office.

Q: How do we maintain social distancing in the office?

How do we maintain social distancing in the office?
How do we maintain social distancing in the office?
The following steps should be taken :
  1. While standing in any queue people should maintain a minimum two meter distance from each other .
  2. Everyone should wear masks inside the office at all times .
  3. There should be a no handshake policy .
  4. People should get their own coffee mugs or plates and then wash it themselves.
  5. While walking in corridors or passages touching hand railings should be avoided
  6. Special precautions should be maintained in canteens where employees should not sit directly opposite each other to avoid transmitting infections while eating
  7. Sitting diagonally from each other would be preferred.
  8. If any employee is even remotely sick, has weakness, fever, cough, he or she should get himself or herself checked immediately with the in house doctor or should notify the HR .
  9. Conference rooms should have alternate seating policy to maintain appropriate distance.
  10. Since offices would be having only 30% to 50 % work force, people should be made to sit in alternate cubicles to maintain distance.
  11. There should be an hourly alarm so that all the employees would be reminded to sanitize their hands at their own desks.

Q: How is social distancing to be maintained in elevators?

How is social distancing to be maintained in elevators?
How is social distancing to be maintained in elevators?
Since only 30% to 50% staff will be attending work people would have to maintain a
one meter or more distance between one another in a queue while waiting for the
elevator. Temporary markings in the shape of a circle or a box can be drawn at each
corner so that people stand in them to maintain distance while inside the elevators.
While pressing the buttons of the elevator it would be better if they used a pen or a q
tip so as to not actually touch the surface. 

Q: Is it necessary to wear masks inside the office building?

Is it necessary to wear masks inside the office building?
Is it necessary to wear masks inside the office building?
According to the recent researches, everyone should be wearing a mask. A N95 would
be best, but if there is unavailability then a normal surgical mask would also suffice.
Yes, all these precautions can be a tad bit annoying at first but staying safe ourselves
and not infecting others should be our top most priority while resuming our normal life at
our workplaces.

About the Author

Dr Mitali Mahajan Chaphekar 
M.B.B.S , Certified Diabetologist , Nutrition and Wellness Coach
Dr Mitali Mahajan Chaphekar

She is currently working as a Diabetologist and a Nutritional Consultant and has been previously positioned as an Assistant Medical officer in Immunization and Disease Surveillance department in the public health domain of MCGM in the past
The Arogyada