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Thyroid disorders are on the rise in India almost 1 in 10 Indian adults suffer from hypothyroidism according to statistics. Thyroid is a gland found in the front of your neck and is shaped like butterfly wings. Thyroid creates hormones that control your metabolic speed. In case you have thyroid issues, then it might slow down your metabolism by reducing the speed of producing hormones. When these hormones increases or decreases this might result in a range of symptoms that can turn out to be life-threatening.

Some of the symptoms of thyroid are weight gain or weight loss, a bulge in the neck, changes in the heart rate, feeling extremely hot or cold, hair loss, dry skin etc. Most of these symptoms are faced by women and are women-oriented.

There is one more serious condition called hyperthyroidism, where the thyroid gland produces more hormone thyroxin’s that could cause weight loss rapidly, irregular heart rate, sweating and bad temper. Some of the symptoms faced by people having hyperthyroidism are dry skin, weak nails, numbness in hands, irregular menstrual cycle, diarrhea, muscle weakness, blurry vision, etc.

There are two kinds of thyroids namely Hypothyroid and Hyperthyroid. Hypothyroidism declines the availability of thyroid hormones that results in the body’s metabolism functioning slow. This is usually caused by less thyroid production and resulting in several lifestyle diseases like diabetes, insulin resistance, and depression.

Hyperthyroidism is a result of increased thyroid production and can cause hyper activeness thereby triggering aggressiveness and ineffective nutrition and excess energy that can be hazardous for you and your body. Hyperthyroidism also results in liver dysfunction, nutrition deficiency, and metal toxicity in the body.

Hyperthyroidism can be kept in check naturally through some form of exercise for 20 minutes every day, this active lifestyle will help to stabilize the condition. Although all forms of exercises are good for keeping a check on thyroid but there are some asanas which specially help in managing thyroid. The benefits of these yoga asanas can be seen only when they are practiced correctly and regularly. Therefore, for best results one must consult a qualified yoga instructor to practice these yoga poses in the right manner.

Top 10 yoga poses that can help you with your thyroid condition:

Halasana (Plough Pose): This pose is practiced lying down flat on the back and bringing legs over the head as a result the body is shaped like a plough. This asana provides contraction to the neck and thyroid areas.

Ustrasana (Camel Pose): The camel pose is performed by coming onto your knees with your feet extended behind you and letting the head drop back. This pose benefits in stimulating the thyroid gland as well as strengthening the back.

Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose): This pose is specially recommended for patients with hypothyroidism, this posture is slightly more difficult, but is said to escalate circulation to the thyroid gland. However, according to experts should be avoided by women during pregnancy.

Matsyasana (Fish Pose): The two most effective poses for the thyroid gland are fish pose and the shoulder stand. This pose stimulates circulation in the thyroid and neck region but also decreases stress & depression.

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose): This pose is specially aimed at patients with hypothyroidism, the bow pose helps massage the thyroid gland and also improves health and vitality in women.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose): It is a gentle pose which increases circulation in the neck region. This pose involves lying down flat on your stomach and lifting up your head, chest, and shoulders. This asana strengthens the core and decreases stress and fatigue in the body.

Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand): It is one of the basic poses recommended for treating of thyroid, the shoulder stand is simple and effective as it increases blood flow to the significant parts of the upper body. It is performed by lying on the bed or the yoga mat and raising the legs up to 90 degrees and supporting the lower part of the body with your hands. Instructors usually ensure that your breathing is synchronized with your movements while practicing this pose.

Viparita Karani (Inverted Pose):  This yoga pose is great for beginners as it does not cause pressure on the neck but at the same time improves circulation to the thyroid gland. This pose also helps in relieving anxiety and stress, and has an overall relaxing effect on the body.

Savasana (Corpse Pose):  This pose apparently seems easy, but in practicality can be quite challenging as it is difficult to randomly command your body to relax. It is performed by lying down on your back with your hands facing upwards and the entire body is in a relaxed position. This asana gives complete relaxation to body and mind.

Sirshasana (Headstand Pose):  This is one of the most difficult pose to achieve but is important as it improves alertness in the body and also directly increases blood flow to the thyroid gland.

Yoga is extremely effective in reinstating balance and health as well as improving circulation and stimulation of the thyroid gland. These asanas should be performed in the presence of a qualified yoga instructor if you are an amateur to avoid any further complications.

Healthy lifestyle is the key to leading a healthy life in the future and for which it is important to monitor thyroid health from time to time as it is so common amongst women.


The Arogyada