Take biology as your major in higher sec school -> prepare for premedical entrance -> if you are intelligent enough to get selected in first attempt -> get admission into a medical college -> pass first year(Duration 1 year,30 to 40 % chances of failure for average students ) -> can lead to extension of course by 6 months-> pass second prof(duration 1 & 1/2 yrs) -> pass pre final(duration 1 year) -> pass Final year mbbs (Duration 1 year, again 20 to 30 % chances of failure and extension of course by 6 months) -> Do 1 yr internship in your college hospital -> Total Academic Period without failures = 5 & 1/2 Yrs

But still you dont get a MBBS degree -> Go to village for 1 year rural internship -> prepare for pre PG entrance examination -> if you are intelligent and hard working enough to get selected in first atempt -> get admission in post graduation course (MD/MS etc) -> the post graduation lasts for 3 years which includes total segregation from the whole society -> duty hours 90 hours /week or more in clinical branches -> complete your PG -> again a rural posting for 1 year (implemented in some of the states) -> Prepare for Super specialisation (DM/Mch) entrance exams -> If you are alive and intelligent and hard working enough to get through in 1st attempt -> Super Specialisation course lasts for 2yrs -> You will be among the leading Super Specialists of your city in a matter of few years (…if you are alive).

The Arogyada