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People usually avoid going to the doctor unless it’s unbearable and you are forced to go, however, there are some appointments that have to be scheduled even when one feels fine and does not feel the need to visit a doctor. One such visit is to a Gynaecologist, every woman should visit atleast once a year due to a number of reasons.

1. Preventive care

One of the most important reasons to see a gynecologist is for prevention from any possible disease. The doctor would examine the current state of your health at these yearly visits. This checkup can give a lot of insights about the potential health issues that one must not be aware about and early detection helps to take action at the right time for your healthcare. The doctor will advise for a pelvic and a physical exam during this visit, as well as these appointments give you the chance to talk to the gynecologist about any concerns you may be having. The doctor might recommend further testing based on factors like age, healthcare issues, or family medical history. If any problems are detected during the exam, the doctor will advise on the next course of action. Also, these reports can act as a baseline of your health so that any changes in the future may be noted and addressed.

2. Disease Screening

One of the other focus of these yearly screenings is your sexual wellness, doctor will discuss about your current sexual practices to get an idea of the kind of testing that might be important for you. The doctor might advise to take STI testing on a routine basis and a Pap smear will always be recommended for annual visits to screen for conditions such as cervical cancer or any abnormalities. A breast exam will also take place along with osteoporosis screening if it is appropriate for your age.

3. Medical History

Your initial appointments start with discussing your medical history along with your family. This information can provide indications for potential health conditions that might arise or any particular screenings you should receive. Your doctor would want to understand your current medication as this can impact your overall health and is also important to know prior to prescribing any further medication.

4. Family Planning

At these annual screening appointments, one gets a chance to discuss your reproductive plans with the gynecologist. These meetings help you to get guidance from the doctor regarding your potential birth control methods or to screen your current strategy. One can also consult the doctor about the pregnancy plans. The doctor might advise on lifestyle changes to improve your chances of getting pregnant or help your body to become ready for the transition.

5. Counseling

While selecting your Gynaecologist you should keep a couple of things in mind, one has to select a doctor who is also interested in understanding your state of mind as well as your gynecological needs as emotions and feelings are often related to your hormonal fluctuations. In addition, issues such as preparing for a baby, dealing with fertility issues, or managing sexual health issues can have a strong emotional component. The physical and emotional health of a woman is closely connected and hence one needs a physician who knows and is sensitive to this connection.

These are five important reasons to go for your annual gynecological health. Women’s health is different than that of men as women have different needs and issues that must be addressed on a timely basis in order to maintain the general, sexual and reproductive health of an individual. That’s why it’s crucial that you don’t skip these yearly appointments.

The Arogyada