Sharing a discussion on Diffuse Back Pain Due to suspected Inflammatory Arthritis posted on our Back pain help group “Back Pain Relief & Spine Health”  on Facebook. Join this group for sharing your back pain problem and discussion on relieving your back pain.

“Hi thank you for the add!😊 I’ve experienced back pain since my teens. I vaguely remember at 12 or 14 a dr say i had juvenile arthritis.  I never got treatment for it. I’ve also been in a few accidents so have some buldging and herniations. But i feel the pain from those the last few years has been tolarable. Now, at 29 and after having my daughter 9 months ago I’m in the most pain I’ve been in before. I have a couple xrays my chiropractor took (not the best quality) he didn’t seem too concerned about them, even though I’m having so much pain still? Just seeing what yall might suggest be my next step and if anythings seen on my xrays. “

Discussion on Diffuse Back Pain Due to suspected Inflammatory Arthritis

Discussion on Diffuse Back Pain Due to suspected Inflammatory Arthritis

Discussion on Diffuse Back Pain Due to suspected Inflammatory Arthritis Where exactly do you have pain – in midline or away from the midline ; lower back or upper back?… Does the pain also come to the legs? When does your pain increase- walking, sitting or with prolonged bed rest?

“honestly its almost everywhere. Alot through the neck and shoulders/shoulder blades. I have huge knots at the top of my shoulders along with muscle spasms. And in my lower back. The pain is worse when I try to bend over, feels almost like somethings pinching? And its currently going down both sides of my buttock. Feels kind of like its my muscles in my buttock but its deep. Also have pain in my hips.Standing. Sitting. Or laying in one position for almost any period of time makes it worse.” Do you exercise regularly or most of your days are sedentary?

“mostly sedentary, I’m a stay at home mom with a 9 month old. I’ve tried multiple times to start exercising but am in so much pain the next few days it discourages me from continuing” By the description , your pain seems to be due to inflammatory arthritis. And does not seem to be due to disc prolapse or compression of nerves. Please get these tests done after consulting a Rheumatologist – C-reactive protein (CRP), Antinuclear antibody (ANA), Rheumatoid factor (RF).

Post your queries in the comments if you have similar type of pain and want to know how to relieve your back pain.

The Arogyada