Best Beauty Products from Homegrown Brands in India

Best Beauty Products from Homegrown Brands in India 

People love stocking skincare products; we believe prominent global brands that are everyone’s favorite due to the product quality and raving reviews in the beauty community, globally.  But there are some Indian skincare brands also really deserve our time, attention, and money under the vocal for local campaign. They are made using the best organic ingredients and some of them even have their principles deeply rooted in Ayurveda. These homegrown Ayurvedic beauty brands are popular and come with effective formulations and ingredients.

Beauty is now moving towards sustainability and when everyone is globally appreciating our age-old Naturopathic & Ayurvedic therapies, a lot of international brands are using those elements in their products. It’s about time that we Indians start appreciating our own creations. This 5000-year-old science is getting a makeover and adapting itself to modern needs by adding in sunscreen and a balm-to-oil makeup remover to the Ayurvedic kitty. We picked out a few impressive labels that have made Ayurveda more convenient for new-age millennials.

Shesha Naturals KASTURI MANJAL(Wild Turmeric Powder)

This product has a unique and natural uplifting aroma and it anti-bacterial and anti-inflammation properties which help to fight against acne causing bacteria. The antioxidant properties of the wild turmeric help in preserving your skin against the harmful UV rays of the sun and help rejuvenate your skin.

Shesha Naturals KASTURI MANJAL(Wild Turmeric Powder)

Soul Tree Hibiscus & Henna With Nourishing Shikakai Hair Conditioner, 100gm

This moisturizing conditioner makes hair soft while adding shine. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil and organic Shikakai restores moisture and hydrates the hair. Rich and nourishing for both hair and scalp and adds volume.

Soul Tree Hibiscus & Henna With Nourishing Shikakai Hair Conditioner, 100gm

Forest Essentials Kashmiri Saffron and Neem Delicate Facial Cleanser, 200ml

The secret to proper cleansing is to remove dead cells and toxins, clean clogged pores and makeup, without stripping the skin’s natural oils and moisture content. This Kashmiri Saffron & Neem It cleanses the face to remove dirt, leaves the skin feeling clean and fresh, Sulphate-free cleanser and has Neem extracts that deeply purify the skin.

Forest Essentials Kashmiri Saffron and Neem Delicate Facial Cleanser, 200ml

Kama Ayurveda Rejuvenating and Brightening Ayurvedic Night Cream

A powerful Ayurveda based formula created fromingredients used in the product helps illuminate skin and promote cell growth, reduce dark circles and pigmentation, a perfect treatment for youthful radiant skin. It also repairs fine lines, age spots and other signs of aging. Antiseptic Indian madder and protecting aloe vera heal skin and also retard the process of skin aging.
Kama Ayurveda Rejuvenating and Brightening Ayurvedic Night Cream

Himalaya Herbals Acne-n-Pimple Cream, 20g

It is an Acne-n-Pimple cream best for treating stubborn zits. This cream treats pimples and skin eruptions, healing infection while keeping the skin soft and smooth. 

Himalaya Herbals Acne-n-Pimple Cream, 20g

Public interest in sustainability continues to climb, many cosmetic manufacturers are seeking more natural and environmentally-friendly emulsifiers and ingredients for their products. The benefits of “green” beauty products extend beyond trends, also increasing studies show the toxicity of conventional cosmetics resulting in the growth of natural products rapidly and consistently.

The Arogyada

Lower back pain relief by doing Yoga – Part 1

The nature of our work these days is becoming more and more sedentary. The increasing pressure because of increasing work hours, more reliance on computers  and prolonged sitting are resulting in strained and  sore lower backs.

When you start having a lower back pain, the tendency is that you would want to rest more but the secret is that instead of more rest some exercises with controlled movements will stimulate and strengthen your lower back and actually help in relieving your lower back pain.

How to get relief from lower back pain  by doing Yoga ? Here is the part 1 of this step by step guide:

Before starting to do yoga for back pain, go through the link below to know when not to exercise in back pain.

When to avoid exercises in back pain and consult a doctors: Ominous signs for back pain which may worsen on exercise

  1. Knee-to-chest stretch (Ardha pawanmuktasana)
  2. Seated spinal twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana)
  3. Child’s Pose (Balasana)
  4. Cat-cow stretch (Chakravakasana)
  5. Fish out of Hero Pose (Matsyendra Virasana)

Ardha pawanmuktasana by Shilpa Shetty Kundra


  1. Lie on your back on the mat. Keep your legs straight on the floor and hands at your sides.
  2. Bend your right leg.Exhale and draw your right leg to your chest. Inter-lock your fingers with each other and hold your right knee with it. Keep your left leg extended on the floor.
  3. Hold the pose for 10-15 seconds or more. Inhale and extend your right leg to the floor.
  4. Now bend your left leg and draw your left leg to your chest and keep your right leg extended on the floor.
  5. Hold the pose for 10-15 seconds or more. Inhale and extend your left lef to the floor.
  6. Relax and repeat the same for 8-10 times with each leg.
  7. To deepen the stretch, lift your head and touch your nose to the knee when you are in the full pose. This is much beneficial, but practice it only if you are comfortable.

2. Seated spinal twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana) for Back Pain Relief

    Ardha Matsyendrasana by Dhivya


    1. Sit with your legs stretched out. Bend the right leg and place the right foot on the floor out side of left knee with toes facing forward.
    2. Bend the left leg and bring the foot to the right buttock. The left heel should touch the right buttock and the outside of the left leg should be on the floor.
    3. Hold the right foot or ankle with your left hand placing the arm outside of your right knee so that left armpit should be closer to your right knee. Sit straight.
    4. Raise your right hand to shoulder level horizontally and fix the eye-sight on your fingers. Slowly twist the torso to the right with arm, trunk, and head. Eye sight should move with your fingers.
    5. Now bend the right elbow and place the right arm around the back of the waist. The back of the right hand should go around left side of the waist.
    6. Reverse the steps to release the posture and repeat with other side.

    3. Child’s Pose (Balasana)

    Balasana by Shakti Shilpa 


    1. Sit on your heels on a yoga mat or on the floor.
    2. Either keep your knees together or apart.
    3. Slowly, bend forward by lowering your forehead to touch the floor, exhaling as you do so.
    4. Keep your arms alongside your body. Make sure that your palms are facing up.
    5. Alternatively, you can reach out your arms towards the front of the yoga mat, palms placed facing down on the mat.
    6. Now that you are in this pose, gently press your chest on the thighs (or between the thighs if the latter are apart).
    7. Hold for 45 seconds to 1 minute. Regulate your breath.
    8. As you inhale, imagine your breath is being driven through your navel, and pull your navel towards your spine.
    9. As you exhale, soften your body and the arms. Repeat for 4-12 breaths.
    10. Place your palms under the shoulders and gradually raise your upper body to return to the sitting position on the heels while inhaling. Do this very slowly as if uncurling the spine.
    11. Relax.

    4. Cat-cow stretch (Chakravakasana)

    Chakravakasana by Chelsey Korus  


    1. Come onto your hands and knees.
    2. Knees should be directly underneath your hips and your hands should be directly underneath your shoulders.
    3. Take a deep breath and exhale completely and slowly.
    4. Slightly lift your chin.
    5. When you Inhale, consider that your chest should be expanded and lift it away from your belly.
    6. Stretch your front body trunk front by flattening your back.
    7. When you stretch your belly in, Exhale.
    8. Maintain this pose for some minutes.
    9. Bring your chest and belly to the thighs and hips to the heels and forehead to the ground after finishing the above pose.
    10. Repeat three times at the beginning.
    11. Consider about Breathing and maintain a proper time gap.

    5. Fish out of Hero Pose (Matsyendra Virasana)

    Matsyendra Virasana by Gezond10 
    1. Begin in Vajrasana / Thunderbolt Pose.
    2. Widen your feet and firmly press the tops of your feet on the floor.
    3. Exhale and sit in between your heels. Keep your knees closer to each other.
    4. Support your palms on your ankles and press your elbows and forearms against the floor. Lift your chest up and bring the crown of your head on the floor. Make sure you don’t stress your neck or push your body weight to your head. Divide your weight between your elbows and your lower body. 
    5. Close your eyes and stay in this pose for 3-6 long breaths.
    6. To come out of this pose, support the weight of your body on your elbows and come back to Vajrasana / Thunderbolt Pose.
    The Arogyada

    Best Foods to eat after workout and get desired results

    Best Foods to eat after workout

    Eating a nutritious diet is extremely important in our daily lives but eating the right foods especially after exercise can help you recover, build muscle, and prepare for your next regimen. When you work out, your muscles use their glycogen energy stores. Some of the muscle proteins also get damaged, especially during strength workouts. Hence, it’s really important to consume the right foods as it helps to repair, build muscles, and prepares you for the next day’s workout.

    According to research, consuming the right amount of carbohydrates and protein is especially important after a workout. When to eat depends on the type of workout performed according to a few studies. 

    Intense weight resistance workouts with a goal of increasing muscle size, it’s suggested to consume 20–30 grams of lean protein and 30–40 grams of healthy carbohydrates 30 minutes after training. For lighter aerobic workouts with a goal to stay in shape, eat a well-balanced meal with the same ratio up to one hour after exercising. Drinking plenty of water and sometimes a sports recovery drink is also necessary for fluid replenishment.

    Here’s a quick guide to making the most of your post-workout nutrition.

    For Carbs: Sweet potatoes, Quinoa, Oatmeal, Bananas, Pineapple, Kiwi

    For Proteins: Eggs, Paneer, Greek yogurt, Chicken, Tuna

    For a quick meal you can also choose the following healthy options :

    1. Yogabar Multigrain

    This Energy Snack Bar has Fruits, Nuts, Oats and Millets with Chia and Sunflower Seeds. This gluten-free cereal bar is a great source of protein, fibre and omega 3s. 

    Yogabar Multigrain

    2. Fast&Up Reload – Electrolyte Instant Hydration Sports Drink

    This drink maintains Hydration and Electrolyte Balance to help you beat the heat and prevent dehydration while you train, travel, or perform any activity.
    Fast&Up Reload - Electrolyte Instant Hydration Sports Drink

    3. Saffola FITTIFY Gourmet Saffola FITTIFY Hi Protein Instant Soup with Multigrain Crunchies – Mexican Sweet Corn

    This soup has a healthy blend of protein to help you build lean muscle. It contains dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and 5 Superfoods to help you manage weight effectively.
    Saffola FITTIFY Gourmet Saffola FITTIFY Hi Protein Instant Soup with Multigrain Crunchies - Mexican Sweet Corn

    4. HAIM Organic Crispy Rice Thicks Wholegrain Brown Rice Cake

    These brown rice crisps are a good alternative to bread, loaded with dietary fiber, and are a great source of complex carbs for sustained energy to be used as Pre and Post Workout with High Protein Spreads still low calorie.
    HAIM Organic Crispy Rice Thicks Wholegrain Brown Rice Cake

    5. M.R. Healthy Eats Natural Homemade & Organic Porridge Multigrain Health Mix

    This organic porridge is 100% sugarfree and cholesterol free which can be a perfect drink/ dish for people with diabetes, obesity, low/ high bp and can be consumed anytime through the day, may it be your pre/ post-workout meal, brunching/ snacking.
    M.R. Healthy Eats Natural Homemade & Organic Porridge Multigrain Health Mix

    Foods to avoid after a workout to lose weight

    It’s not advisable to eat desserts, street food after you’ve sweated it out in the gym to shed that unwanted flab around the belly even when you are extremely hungry. It can be really tempting to just stop by and hog some pizzas, ice-creams, or burgers. But please DO NOT give in to the temptations.

    If you consume fried, oily, and fatty food after exercising, it can be counter-productive for you. All the efforts that you just put in to lose that stubborn belly fat just go wasted if you load up on these unwanted calories. Here is a list of foods that you should stay away from after a workout session: 

    • Spicy Food
    • Fried Food
    • Carbonated Drinks
    • Coffee
    • Sugary Juices
    • Fast Food
    • Raw Veggies
    • Beans
    • Alcohol 
    • Desserts.

    Make sure that you avoid post-workout foods that are high in fat and sugar and low in protein, especially if your goal is weight loss. Cutting back on unhealthy foods means you’re more likely to achieve your fitness goals faster while also improving your overall health.

    Reference –

    The Arogyada