MHA Health Administration at School of Health Systems Studies mainly focuses on health administration at the local, state, and central level as well as in the nonprofit sector. It prepares students to take on managerial positions in the national health programmes, the NGOs , healthcare consultancies, bilateral organizations and in community-based health programmes by building capacities in planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating those programmes. Also the opportunities exist for the students in Health Insurance and IT sector.

In Health Administration, the prominent courses are;  Quantitative and Qualitative research methods, Basic Economics and Health Economics, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Financial Accounting, Organizational Behaviour, Principles of Health Services Management, HRM, Materials Management, Operations Research, Community Health, Management of National Health Programmes, Health Planning, Health Insurance, Strategic Management in Health Care Settings, Health Management Information Systems, Health Education and Communication, Gender, Health and Rights, Urban Health and Financing of Health Services. In addition to this, a Dissertation / Research Work has to be submitted at the end of the course.

This program has strong grounding in community based research, community health services, implementation of public health programmes(eg HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria etc) and health programme management.

Research work forms an important and integral part of this programme. Each student takes up a Research topic as per his interests and is guided by the faculty at every step to come up with an original research output. Some of the examples of kind of research taken up are as follows:

  • Healthcare Expenditure of Urban Poor
  • Public Private Partnership (PPP) between GE Healthcare and Govt of Tamil Nadu in PHC Model
  • Cost effective analysis of the Cold Chain Equipment maintenance system
  • The role of RSBY in providing quality health care to the poor
  • Cost-Effective Analysis  of Cervical Caner Screening
  • Beliefs and practices in Alternative Healing in Mental Health
  • A study on willingness to pay for a Health Insurance Scheme
  • Impact of user charges in Public Healthcare on users
  • Functioning and Implementation of Rogi Kalyan Samiti in Publich Health Facilities of Maharashtra.

So if the above information seems to be interesting to you; names like WHO, UNICEF, NRHM, SEWA sound cool; you think that it is time for you to give something back to your country by aiding in its development in a big way and you would like to take things into your control so that you can have a direct impact on the prevalence of diseases, morbidity and mortality….this programme is for you!

P.S : For any more queries please join TISS MHA/MPH Aspirants Community on orkut

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