What is Clinical Research

Clinical Research is a Multinational, Multibillion, Multidisciplinary Industry

What is Clinical Research?
Clinical Research is a systematic study for new drugs in human subjects to generate data for discovering or verifying the Clinical, Pharmacological (including pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic) or adverse effects with the objective of determining safety and efficacy of the new drug.

Clinical Research is Conducted in 4 Phases

Phase I trials
This is the first time the new drug is administered to a small number, around 20-80 healthy, informed volunteers under the close supervision of a doctor. The purpose is to determine whether the new compound is tolerated by the patient’s body and behaves in the predicted way.

Phase II trials
In this phase, the medicine is administered to a group of approximately 100-300 informed patients to determine its effect and also to check for any unacceptable side effects.

Phase III trials
In this phase, the group is between 1000 and 5000, for the company to use statistics to analyze the results. If the results are favourable, the data is presented to the licensing authorities for a commercial licence.

Phase IV trials
This is a surveillance operation phase after the medicine is made available to doctors, who start prescribing it. The effects are monitored on thousands of patients to help identify any unforeseen side effects.

Check out the personal opinion of people in the following forum about clinical research in India


Colleges for Msc clinical research

Institute of Clinical research(best among these…its my personal opinion..affiliated to Cranfield university,UK )


Institute of Advanced Pharmaceutical Studies


RNIS college of Clinical research


Rejuvendus Clinical Research


CLINICAL RESEARCH :An emerging career

Pharmacological clinical research and drug trials
Career in Pharmacological clinical research and drug trials.

India as the largest pool of patients suffering from cancer, diabetes and other maladies is leading the country to an altogether different destination: the global hub of outsourcing of clinical trials.

Almost all the top names in the pharmaceutical world have zeroed-in on India, setting up clinical trial facilities in major cities, especially Hyderabad and Ahmedabad.

Global consultancy McKinsey & Co estimates that by 2010, global pharmaceutical majors would spend around $1-1.5 billion just for drug trials in the country.

Following are the approaches to Career in Clinical research for Doctors

1.After completing MBBS ->Job in Pharma Company as Clinical trial Analyst,
Salary:2.00 to 2.10 lakh for nil experience

2.Do a MD Pharmacology->Job in pharma company as a medical advisor,clinical research scientist…
about the job :Organising and conducting training for the Field Staff. * Conducting CME’s and symposia. * Supporting KOL management. * Conducting Pharmacovigilance training. * Furnishing Technical data for product management and Monitoring Promotion. * Supporting New Product launches across diffrent


3.Do a MBBS->Msc Clinical Research ,Post graduate diploma in Clinical research ->get a job

4.MBBS->MD PHARM->Msc Clinical research->Highest paying job among the above options (in my view this is the best route to the pharmaceutical industry for doctors)

The Arogyada